Personality tests
I was discussing with a good friend of mine the advantages to knowing your own personality type and of the people you are close to. Imagine no longer being irritated with your mate because they seem to shut you out at times and need to be by themselves, but understanding that they need that time to recharge their batteries to be able to deal with the world? That's just one example; we came up with lots of ways it could be a good thing, in personal relationships and in working ones.
In fact, my Dad told me that they recently did the Myers-Briggs test in one of his meetings and how interesting it was to see where everybody fell.
I myself am an ISFJ - this means Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging. It's scary how well it fits, too.
It's good to know the things you need and the things that you need to be careful for. For example, my type needs to be more open to accepting ideas that seem to go against my value system. If we do not work on this, we can become closeminded and cut ourselves off from new experiences to preserve our happy bubble of "things that agree with us." <-- my wording, not the technical jargon. *lol* I know that I have a tendency to do that, and it was interesting to read something concrete and realize consciously the negative effects that it can cause. So happy testing, everyone. Hopefully you'll learn something new about yourself.
For anyone who is interested, they have a free test at this site:
And they have great information about the 16 different types at this site:
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